Rude Ranch ANIMAL
(410) 798-9559
Adoption Application
Directions: Once you select a cat that you would like to adopt, print the form
below using your browser's print button. Fill out the form (remember to write down the cats
name!) and bring it to the shelter during our regular adoption hours for review. Our regular
adoption hours are Saturdays (except holidays) Noon - 3:00 pm. Some of the
cats listed on our adoption page are cared for in foster homes. We recommend calling the shelter
ahead of time so we can arrange for the cat you are interested in to be at the shelter.
If you have any questions about our adoption process give us a call at (410)798-9559 or E-mail
us at:
Cat's Name: _________________
Rude Ranch Animal Rescue, Inc.
Harwood, Md 20776
fax: 410.798.9568
Name _________________________________________________________ Email __________
Phone (H) ____________________________ (W) _________________________________
Street __________________________________ City __________________ Zip ____________
Do you ___ Rent or ___ Own ___ House ___ Townhouse ___Apartment ___ Mobile Home
Landlord's name and phone number _________________________ Are pets allowed? Yes No
Your occupation/source of income _________________________________________________
Employer/Address ______________________________________________________________
For whom do you want a cat? ______________________ Why? __________________________
How long do you intend to keep the cat? _____________________________________________
How many adults in your household? ___________ Children? __________ Ages____________
Does anyone in your household have allergies? Yes No
Goes Time
Neutered Vaccinated Outdoors
________________ Yes No
______ Yes No _________
Yes No _____
________________ Yes No
______ Yes No _________
Yes No _____
________________ Yes No
______ Yes No _________
Yes No _____
PETS OWNED IN THE PAST (no longer in your household):
Cat/Dog/ Declawed
Spayed/ Went
Why no longer
Neutered Outdoors
With You
_______________ Yes No _______ Yes
No Yes No
________ ______________
_______________ Yes No _______ Yes
No Yes No
________ ______________
_______________ Yes No _______ Yes
No Yes No
________ ______________
Name, address, and phone number of your veterinary hospital ____________________________
Will you let the cat outside? Yes No
If yes, supervised? Yes
Do you intend to declaw the cat? Yes No
Do you intend to spay/neuter the cat?
Yes No
Are you willing and able to take the cat to a vet for annual vaccinations and exam?
Yes No
Are you willing and able to pay for any tests/treatments/surgery/emergency care the cat may
need? Yes No
If the cat had to be on a prescription diet, and/or needed daily medication, would you be willing
and able to
bear the added expense and time required to obtain the food and /or give the
medication? Yes No
How long have you been at your present address? ________________________
Are you planning to move in the next six months? Yes
What would you do with the cat if you moved? _________________________________
How frequently do you travel, either for business or pleasure? _____________________
Who will care for the cat when you travel, or in case of emergency requiring your extended
absence? _______________________________________________________________
Your work schedule (days and hours) _________________________________
Are any adults at home during the work day? Yes
Who will be responsible for feeding/watering the cat?
Cleaning litter box?______________
If your family unit changed (Marriage, divorce, new baby), would you keep the cat?
Yes No
Under what circumstances would you need/want to give up a
What type of cat are you looking for?
1. Adult Kitten
Either 4.
With Claws Declawed
2. Male Female
Either 5.
3. Indoor Outdoor Both
Companion for me/us Companion for another pet
Please describe any particular characteristics you are looking for in a cat
Where will the cat stay during the day?
Where will the cat sleep at night?
Where will the cat eat? __________________________________________
Where will you keep the litter box? ________________________________
If the cat gets lost, what steps would you take to find it?
What will you do if you new cat doesn't get along with your current pet(s)?
Your cat may take two months or more to adjust to its new home. Are you willing to allow this
much time for the adjustment?
Yes No If no,
why not?
Will you allow Rude Ranch Animal Rescue representatives to conduct pre- and/or post-adoption home visits?
Yes No
How did you hear about Rude Ranch Animal Rescue?