Marilyn's Page
Meet Marilyn, Rude Ranch's newest feline resident. Unlike most of the permenant residents here, Marilyn
actually arrived here the old fashioned way: she was adopted. Marilyn was born somewhere in Arizona in October ,
2000. However, she had some complications...her mother had distemper while she was pregnant. As a
result, Marilyn was born with cerebellerhyperplasia. (Big word meaning her body doesn't work like a normal
cat). Because she was born with it, Marilyn doesn't realize that she is different or her body doesn't
work like a normal cat. She just knows that whatever she wants, she should get, and any person or animal
that questions this is in big trouble.
Marilyn's story with us starts in August, 2002. Marilyn was living at a huge animal sanctuary
Best Friends in Kanab, Utah. She was originally sent there from a shelter in Arizona that knew she would be tough to find a home for.
Marilyn eventually moved into an area at Best Friends called Benton's house. Benton's house is an area
for the "special" cats and kittens living there. At some point Marilyn was granted special privledges because when we
got there she actually was one of only three cats that had the run of the building.
Although we liked her "take no prisoners" approach to life, we certainly did not plan on adopting her.
However, after on the second day, Bob ended back in Marilyn's area, with her curled up in his lap. Everyday after that,
Bob and Marilyn took their after lunch nap together. Soon we knew what these naps would lead to....
We talked to Marilyn's caretaker's. They would love to find her a home, there was just one problem most people
couldn't deal with: she wasn't a good shot at the litter box. We figured we already had the king of sprayers in
Tommy, as long as she consistently missed in the same place, we could deal with it. Soon it was settled, Marilyn would
be pulling up stakes and move to the east with us. The only problem was getting her there. That's another
We've had a lot of reactions from people about Marilyn since she's come to live here. Some can't
believe that an animal that has trouble getting around like she does should have been allowed to live.
They soon learn otherwise. Although she might fall down alot, and sometimes gets going to fast and her
back legs end up ahead of her front legs, people soon come to admire her spirit and attitude.
Besides, if they don't like it, she just pees on them.
Marilyn's Story: Its Hard to Find Good Help These Days
I don't know how humans that don't have cats to keep straight manage to get out of bed and dressed
in the morning. Take Bob and Kathy. You won't believe what I go through every morning to get
these guys going. (I won't even address the plane ride I went through to get here) They know that
every morning I get a teaspoon of chicken flavored baby food, and kitten formula, served to me in the
kitchen, no later than 5:45 am. Is this difficult? No! Does this happen on a regular basis? No! Every
morning I have to rouse myself from my comfortable bed go up to the hallway outside of Bob and Kathy's
bedroom and explain to them that I am waiting. Sometimes I even have to go all the way into thier
room to explain that I am waiting. Can you believe this? Sometimes they say they have to feed "orphan"
kittens before they give me my formula. The nerve. To make matters worse, they tell me the kittens are the
only reason that I am getting the formula to begin with and that I am getting spoiled. As if!!! Don't they realize that it is I that is sharing MY formula with the orphans?
After I get my morning treat I then have to escort them all around as they go in and out of the different
rooms checking on all the other cats. By the time this is all done, its time for my morning nap. But can I
settle in for the nap? No, now I have to check out what Bob and Kathy are eating for breakfast. (I am
also quite partial to egg noodles) Sometimes I even have to go so far as using my beautiful voice to remind
them that I am waiting to inspect thier food. Only then can I settle in for my morning nap. Who knows what
they get into while I am napping....