Rude Ranch Animal Rescue

The Entrance
4 legged Employees
Plasto's Palace
Newbie's Niche
Smokey's Hideout
Sophie's Retreat
Spookie's Lair
Memorial Gardens

everything else
A Non-Profit Organization A No-Kill Shelter America's Best Charity

Memorial Gardens and Outside Tour

When a beloved pet or shelter resident dies, people often talk of them going over the "Rainbow Bridge", Gardens a place where the old, the injured, and the sick are young and healthy again. Here at Rude Ranch, past residents and pets are memorialized in our Memorial Gardens and Paths. These gardens were originally intended to provide a park-like setting for quiet contemplation and to enjoy nature. The garden area now includes wooded pathways, a waterfall and stream emptying into a large fish pond. The paths themselves are lined with many interesting plants including hydrangeas, ferns, hostas and native grasses.

Hand painted statues are placed throughout the gardens. River stones have been painted by volunteers memorializing beloved shelter residents and pets that have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.
