Adventures in Moving with Bob and Kathy
Part IV: The Adventure Continues
April 16, 1999
Hello again everyone,
Hope everyone got their income taxes done by the IRS's April 15th deadline. At this point, Bob
and I have absolutely no idea what so ever where our income tax forms are. We think they are in
a box somewhere. We requested an extension using "clueless" and as a reason for the extension.
We hope that works.
In the meantime, we've had a few things happen here at the Rude Ranch. We'll start with the
house that we are selling, aka the Bowie house. The buyer's financing went through! We have a
definite settlement date of April 27. In preparation for moving out of this house we've been
taking our furniture apart and moving it to the main floor of the house. So far hasn't too many
surprises. We found a couple of "deposits" one of the cats must have left several months ago at
least it was petrified enough to be easily picked up. We've also started working on a plan to
move the fish that are in the fish pond in the back of the house. Contrary to popular belief (and
our cat's wishes) we will not be catching and cooking the fish, we will pack them and take them
with us. It's surprising how many strange looks you can get from a Kmart cashier when you buy
20 extra large plastic storage boxes and say its for the fish.
We've also started putting some thought into getting our stuff from the assorted houses (don't
forget we have stuff stashed at the Bowie house, the condo where we are now living and Bob's
sister's house) and into the new house. We figured we needed a really big truck. We called a
couple of moving companies and they agreed, we did need a really big truck. They wanted over
$2000 to move us. Bob and I are too cheap to fork out that much money. So we decided to do it
the old fashioned way rent a truck, and bribe people to help with the promise of food and
If you've ever looked through the phone book for rental trucks, the ads usually state how big the
trucks the company has are, and approximately how many rooms the truck will hold. First off,
we went for the biggest truck we could get, a 27 footer. Second, those ads lie. But that's a story
for later. We also found out that if you want to rent a truck around the end of the month, you
better reserve it at the beginning of the month.
While we were happy with what was happening with the Bowie house, things were not going so
smoothly with the house we were buying. We were told the sellers were being uncooperative.
We were told that the sellers might not have all their stuff out by the time we were to go to
closing. Remember, the place we are currently in has new people moving in 3 days after we
close on the house. We were told that the selling realtor was a flake and not to worry. We also
found a web sight for the religious cult that was living at the house. The web site listed "our"
house as the world headquarters. It also invited everyone to come by on any Sunday for a free
meal. We were starting to wonder who would be stopping by.
Lastly, we've hit a small snag with the people who will be renting our condo after we move out.
The nice professional couple, who had good credit and were going to get married in May of this
year. Have broken up. Apparently she caught him cheating. He still wants to rent the condo,
which is good for us. She wants him to be tarred and feathered, among other things.
At least the condo is still rented.
In summary, we are now 11 days away from making the two biggest financial transactions of our
lives. We think the sale of the Bowie house will go smoothly, although our realtor has said that
the buying realtor is falling down on the job some and she's picking up the slack. We are
worried that we will have problems with the house we are buying call it bad realtor vibes.
Meanwhile back at the condo, we are packing and cleaning. The animals seem to be taking this
rather well, Billie Jo tries to pick fights with Casper the cat next door. So far Casper has
managed to pull the screens out of our windows twice. Mama has decided to guard us from the
"Under the Bed Monsters". She feels her presence is required 24 hours a day at this post and has
requested a litter box be placed under the bed. Ok, so she's still so stressed by the move she
won't come out from under the bed to use the litter box. Abbey and Blackie, our foster cats, take
turns locking Boomer in the second bedroom. Ghost and Maggie are sharing the computer
hutch, while Cali has taken it upon her self to kill the telephone cord. (We currently have a
telephone with a long cord hanging on the wall in the kitchen. Cali feels this cord must die at all
costs) Lastly, Tia has managed to come down with a severe case of ear mites. In addition to
feeling like bad kitty parents for not catching the Tia's ear mites, ear mites are also contagious.
So now every Wednesday nite is ear nite at the Rude ranch. That's right, the supreme excitment
of catching every cat in the household and cleaning out their ears. Bob and I are usually not too
popular on Wednesdays.